It would be difficult for Sosnowiec to compete with the history or monuments of Wrocław or Cracow. However there are no doubts that this city also has its special places worth visiting. All of them are of great significance for us, the inhabitants of Sosnowiec, as these places are connected with our past and history, as well as with the history of our grandfathers and forefathers.

The historic jewels of architecture to be found in Sosnowiec draw the attention of both tourists and art experts. The Silesian Center of Cultural Heritage has acknowledged Sosnowiec palaces as the most beautiful mansions in this region dating from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Therefore we warmly encourage you to explore our city more closely.




One of the most interesting and impressive places worth visiting in Sosnowiec is undoubtedly the 19th century Henryk Dietel Palace. The present form of the palce is marked with Neo-Baroque character. At present the palace is under extensive renovation works conducted by its new owners, thanks to which it is returning to its old magnificence and splendor.

The next stop on our tour across Sosnowiec is the baroque residence of the Schoen family, which at present houses a museum. The main hall and the staircase leading to the first floor of the palace, where you can find magnificent stained-glass windows, will delight you with their uniqueness. The surrounding park may also be very interesting for wildlife experts, who will find there tree specimens brought from all over the world. This park is also a favourite place for walks and outings for the city inhabitants.

Sosnowiec takes pride in its recently restored Main Railway Station, established as part of the Warsaw and Vienna railway project. Built in 1859 in Neoclassical style with only slight adaptations, the station was modeled on the previously implemented project of the Vienna Railway Station building situated in Warsaw.

The history of the oldest city monument – Sielecki Castle is also very intriguing. The first mention of the building dates back to 1403. It was a medieval fortification back at that time. Unfortunately no ruins have survived to the present day.

Apart from secular historic buildings, the city can boast some impressive sacral monuments, among which the Cathedral Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Eastern Orthodox Church deserve particular attention. This Neo-Romanesque church was built in 1893-1906. Its interior is decorated with frescos presenting scenes from the history of Poland, made by such outstanding artist as Włodzimierz Tetmajer and Henryk Uziembło. Włodzimierz Tetmajer is the author of many polychromes decorating the Polish monuments, such as the Wawel Cathedral, a church in Wieliczka, Kalisz or Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. For many years the City of Sosnowiec has been providing financial support for renovation of the paintings, which are slowly regaining their former splendour.

The Wiera, Nadieżda and Lubow Eastern Orthodox Church, situated near the railway station, was built in the years 1888 – 1889 for the local Russians, railway workers and administration clerks. The necessary funds to build the church were raised in public money collections. The building made of brick and stone was constructed on the equal-armed cross plan. The central octagonal part was topped with an onion-shaped dome. An element that distinguishes the Sosnowiec Orthodox Church from other similar temples of that type, built at the end of 19th century, is its four-storey belfry.

The Sosnowiec places described in guidebooks are really worth visiting. It''s a real history of people who built the city and who constituted its integral part. That is why you should see it for yourself and feel the atmosphere of this unique place.


Aleja Zwycięstwa 20
41-200 Sosnowiec
tel: +48 32 296 0 600, fax: +48 32 296 0 605


Opening hours
Monday - Friday 10.00 am- 6.00 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am – 17.00 pm
ul. Warszawska 3/20
(in the shopping arcade at Stulecie Square)
tel. +48 32 265 60 04


  • 22
  • October 2024Tuesday
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